Who’s In Charge? Steve Motenko

When you donate financially to FoodBank Lakeside (FBL), where does your money go? Who spends it? On what? Our “Who’s in Charge?” feature spotlights those responsible for ensuring your money is spent wisely. Today, we feature the FoodBank Lakeside leader who guides volunteers to the best ways for them to help.

Name & official title?

Steve Motenko, Director of Volunteer Management

In what community do you live?

San Antonio Tlayacapan

How long have you volunteered with FoodBank Lakeside?

My wife and I started delivering food despensas in Santa Cruz, east of Chapala, in June 2020. We’ve been doing that ever since. A year later, I was tapped to become volunteer coordinator.

What are your FBL duties?

Well, we’re still delivering despensas in Santa Cruz – and thoroughly enjoying the connections made with the residents there and the smiles we see on their faces when they greet us.

Now, I also shepherd volunteers who join our organization – starting from the volunteer questionnaire people fill out on the FBL website, through the interview process, and then to placement in available FBL roles. Finally, I follow up to ensure our volunteers are effective and happy in the work they’re doing for us.

I’m also a member of the Leadership Team. Since everyone who works for FBL is a volunteer, it makes sense that the Director of Volunteer Management be part of the Leadership Team.

One more thing: Although not exactly a FoodBank “duty,” I play in a folk-rock band called Traveler and at some of our gigs 100 percent of the “tips” we receive go to FoodBank Lakeside.  So indirectly, that’s my third “volunteer gig.”

Why do you volunteer?

When local businesses started shuttering during the first COVID lockdown in spring 2020, I couldn’t stop wondering and worrying about what their employees were doing to afford to put food on the table for their families.

At about the same time, I heard about this nascent organization called FoodBank Lakeside, and I thought, “That would be a great cause to donate to.”  I mean, without enough food, nothing else is possible. My wife and I donated, and when we did, an invitation popped up to volunteer for the organization. I filled it out, and I’ve never looked back.

FoodBank Lakeside is an amazing organization to volunteer for. We do great, noble, important work, and the people I work with on the Leadership Team have a rare combination of (1) being motivated solely by compassion for those in need, (2) having skills and talents that make them effective and efficient at what they do, and (3) being refreshingly ego-free, so conflicts are rare.

I love the work I do, love the cause I’m contributing to, and love the people I work with. Why wouldn’t I volunteer for FoodBank Lakeside?!  I have been so blessed in my life. This is a perfect way to give back.


IN 2020