thank you for your donation!

Cash, Check and money order donations

FoodBank Lakeside offer two options for donating cash including checks and money orders.

Option 1: Cash, Check, or Money Order Donations Directly To FoodBank Lakeside

If you prefer to donate by cash, check or money order directly to Foodbank Lakeside we will be happy to schedule a pick up time. To initiate a pickup, please fill in the form below. To contact us directly, please send an email to

Option 2: Check or Money Order Donations To Receive Claim Donations On Taxes

Donations made in the form of a check or money order to the Foundation For Lake Chapala Charities can be claimed as charitable donations on taxes.
Make your check payable to “Foundation for Lake Chapala Charities, AC”.  Please enclose a note stating your email address and the name of the organization: to which your donation is designated-Foodbank Lakeside.  Mail your check as directed below:
         Mail from the U.S. or Canada – send to:
         5802 Bob Bullock, Ste. 328C-4A
         Laredo, Texas 78041
Checks written locally should be placed in an envelope, marked “FOUNDATION – BOX 4A” and dropped off at the front desk at HandyMail in San Antonio or given to one of the directors.  Handy Mail is located one block east of Super Lake on the carreterra.
We can pick up your check or money order donations made out to the Foundation For Lake Chapala Charities. Use the form above to collect a pick up.
Checks drawn on recognized US or Canadian Banks are accepted. Checks drawn on a Credit Union account are not accepted in Mexico.